The content for this article is taken from a presentation that Assembly recently held for Touchpoint members where we covered all the things required to get you from 0 to 1 when it comes to communicating about your project. However, this is meant more as an overview and compendium of resources, not an exhaustive guide. There are follow-up links in each chapter in case you want to dive deeper. If you’re more of a visual learner, you can access the presentation here.

Table of Contents

1. Communication Guidelines

1.1 Target Audience

Who are you talking to?

1.2 Tone of Voice

Know who you are and whisper it in your customer’s ears

Having identified your target audience and (optimally) having done essential branding work beforehand – such as positioning, mission and vision and brand identity finding – should allow you to determine how your brand wants to express itself: in which tone of voice it speaks. It will help you not only to differentiate yourself from competitors, but also to hit your audience’s sweet spot, which will inherently connect them to you. Two basic things to consider when searching for your voice:

How do you want your audience to feel when they connect/interact with your brand?

What adjectives would you use to describe your brand?

**For more information, [read up here.]( tone of any piece,formality%2C respectfulness%2C and enthusiasm.)**

The 4 Dimensions of Tonality
